
Find 1 article that has to do with cross culture understanding or differences (English or Japanese newspaper). In your blog, note the newspaper, date, page (or web address), summarize the article in English and write why you think this is a cross culture situation.

I found out an article talking about Brasilian people. There was an earthquick registered an intensity of 3 in Mie on April 15th. Including Brasilians, over 3000 foreigners live in Yttkaichi city, and they didn't know what to do because they couldn't understand the ssituation. The government alEnglish Home page but not Portuguese, so they are under examination to have one in near future. On the other hand many Brasilians don't join for Japanese society, so this matter is not that easy to solve. May 17th Mainichi-Shinbun http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20070517-00000018-mailo-l24

I think this matter is very close to us and should be concerned. I think Japan is not an open (comfortable) place for foreigners because there is a lack of concern for foreigners in many ways.

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